Rink of the Week

The rink that scores a win with the highest margin each week will receive 4 vouchers for $10 at the Great Eastern Hotel.

Week 1

Saturday Div 3 rink of Ron, Bill, Maria and Jenny. Plus 13 shots

Week 2

The wednesday Div 1 rink of Jamie, Bob, Tony and Tim. Plus 22 shots.

Week 3

The Saturday Div 3 rink of Bill, Ian, Maria and Jennie. Plus 25 shots

Week 4

The Saturday Div 2 rink of Graham, Micheal, Beth and Bazz. Plus 24 shots.

Week 5

Wednesday Div 1 Rink of Jamie, Rob, Tony, Tim. Plus 18.

Week 6

Wednesday div 2, Micheal, Ian, Pat, Don. Plus 15

Week 6

Wed Div, Jamie, Rob, Tony, Tim. Plus18

Week 7

Sat Div 1. Sue, Sue, Rick, Richard. Plus 14.

Week 8